Template hackery

Just spent the last 6-or-so hours hacking away on the templates and i think i made some very nice progress. Things should be up-to-date now (the last template was still very .72ish). Besides including those handy “edit this” links in the template which should make administering this site a lot easier, i streamlined the menu bar a little, incorporated matt mullenwegs asides hack, ironed out some problems with the “next/previous page” links, added those nifty looking » to linklog entries, updated the rewrite engine for even nicer urls (e.g. for syndication feeds) and added trackback displaying to the permalink pages. Best of all, despite all changes the site still validates as xhtml and css, yeh! The site feels a lot more polished now, so i guess it was worth the headache i suffer from now. More refinements ahead, i got a long to-do list of little tweaks, but those are rather css- than template-related.
I should really stop this annoying redesign-blogging before i lose the few readers i have…